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Understand how is DocSales Cancellation Policy


Understand how is DocSales unsubscription plans policy

Below you can find the terms to unsubscribe all Docsales plans:  

  1. There is no fidelization or any penalty for the unsubscription. The rule is “we do not charge the next installment”, be it monthly or annual, as long as the next charge occurs at least on the day following the unsubscription request. If the request is made on the day of the charge , this will be done normally. That is, if you ask for the termination on the 10th and the monthly payment is due on the 11th, we no longer charge the one on the 11th (and in this case, if it is automatically charged on the 11th, we refund). DocSales is always sold in a pre-paid format, that is, when the termination is requested, the period used is already paid, and with that we do not reverse any monthly or paid / overdue annuity, only future.
  2. To formalize the termination, just send an email formalizing the request to if you can tell us the reason(s) that led you to cancel, it would help us a lot to improve our service.
  3. About Sales Documents: You can EXPORT all sales documents in XLS. In the initial screen of the system, make the date filter for ALWAYS, then click SELECT ALL and then EXPORT SELECTED .XLS. You will receive the report by email.
  4. There are 2 options regarding signed sales documents (stored in our safe, accessible via the signature link):
    Because we comply with the rules of the laws on the use and privacy of personal data (LGDP and GDPR), we delete all information from customer accounts within 30 days of termination.
    If the customer wants to keep the links active, we have an annual plan (USD 200 / year) where we leave the account inactive and inaccessible, but the links of all sales documents are active. Either way, ALL signed sales documents that were sent to buyer and seller by email, with PDF attached, will not be lost.

Learn more about the types of documents you can send with docsales by clicking here.

For additional questions, please contact our support team by clicking on the help icon in the lower left corner or send an email to

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